Nuova Antologia Militare


Scientific director: Virgilio Ilari
Scientific deputy director: Giovanni Brizzi
Editor in Chief: Gregory Alegi
Executive editor: Viviana Castelli

Board of Directors / Scientific Council / War Studies Advisory Board

About the Journal, Ethics & Policies

«Nuova Antologia Militare» (NAM) ideally refers to «Antologia Militare», the oldest Italian military journal, published in Naples by Antonio and Girolamo Calà Ulloa between 1835 and 1846. NAM wants to be an interdisciplinary and international forum for the historical study of conflicts, war and military and for the historical criticism of all the "knowledge of war" developed in other social and human sciences, with particular regard to military sciences and strategic, geopolitical and intelligence studies. Collaborations include articles and reviews.

The proposals must be addressed to the Director of NAM ( or and the articles are subjected to a "double blind" peer review.

There are no publication fees to publish with this journal.

The journal is an annual open access scientific periodical. Each number is composed of four monographic issues.

Open Access (CC BY-NC) & Repository Policy
Nuova Antologia Militare is an Open Access magazine, member DOAJ (Directory Open Access Journals).
All content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution.
Authors are free to deposit a copy of their paper, both the Accepted Version (Author Accepted Manuscript) and the Published Version (Version of Record) in an institutional or other repository of their choice.

Authors hold the copyright of their own articles.
For the Journal: © Società Italiana di Storia Militare. 

Documents & Extras: 
– Guidelines
– Consultants of interdisciplinary areas
- Video-interview: A colloquio con Virgilio Ilari
- Review Storia e storiografia militare in Italia. Intervista a Virgilio Ilari («Pandora Rivista»)

Registration number: 06/2020, Ordinary Court of Rome
e-ISSN: 2704-9795
Principal contact:,
Indexed in: ANVUR, DOAJ, Scopus