Gilda Stivali

Gilda Stivali was born in Rome in 1976. She studied Medicine at the Sapienza University of Rome where she graduated summa cum laude in 2001 and she completed her residency in Nephrology in 2007. Her specific clinical interests included Colour Doppler Ultrasound (CDU), renal biopsy and the study of autonomic impairment in kidney disease. She spent one year of research fellowship at National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN) and at Imperial College (UK) in 2005. She worked as medical volunteer at “Hospital do Mal de Hansen” of Guinè Bissau in 2000 and with “Medicins sans Frontieres” organization in Burundi in 2002 (Africa). In 2009, she joined the Medical Affairs Department at Baxter, and she covers different therapeutic areas such as Renal Care, Clinical Nutrition, Acutue Therapies and Mediation Delivery.

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