
Scientific Journal on Digital Cultures

Journal Editor: Mario Ricciardi

Editorial Team Ethics

DigitCult is an academic journal of international scope, double-blind peer-reviewed and open access, aiming to value international research and to present current debate on digital culture, technological innovation and social change. DigitCult aims to discuss key issues, drawing on a wide range of disciplinary perspectives and on both theoretical and empirical research.
There are neither paper submission charges nor processing charges for authors.

DigitCult is indexed in the world's largest open access database: DOAJ, the Directory of Open Access Journals. The official website on DOAJ is https://doaj.org/toc/2531-5994. The journal is also indexed in Google Scholar.

Periodicity: two regular issues, in June and December
e-ISSN: 2531‐5994
Website: www.digitcult.it
Principal contact: info@digitcult.it
Indexed in: ANVUR, DOAJ, Google Scholar